Spokane Soo Bahk Do® Parents and Students Kicked Up Their Heels

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When Spokane Soo Bahk Do® instructor Bud Bolan launched their Kick-a-thon for the Moo Duk Kwan®, he even recruited the parents of students to participate in the exciting event. He backed up his request for parents to join in by personally sponsoring each parent for $20.

Spokane Soo Bahk Do® parents and students kicked up their heels for a good cause and had a blast!

“Spokane Soo Bahk Do® students can only signup for 60 days at a time due to YMCA policies.

The classes were originally limited to 6-12 year olds, but at my request, the YMCA has now expanded the program to allow 5-16 years olds which provides those approaching age 12 with an opportunity to continue the program.

The Kick-a-thon participants include students with a wide range of abilities and special needs as well as parents.

I was extremely pleased with the strong and high energy response that took place with the invitation to participate in the Kick-A-Thon, by Federation Members and YMCA Members alike, as well as the parents.

Their combined participation in the program was incredible!”

— Bud Bolan

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